Who Is Zach Of Travelbetic?

Always looking to provide travellers with top trending, influential information and allowing you to ‘stay connected’ before and while you travel Wise Traveller profiles up & coming travel blogger Zach Toth, who is behind ‘Travelbetic’. Our profile series allows you to get to know the person behind some of the most popular and influential travel blogs.

About Zach

Zach is a 24 year old marketing professional currently living in Texas. A couple of years ago he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, drastically changing his life. He learned how to take better care of his body, yet still live the life he wants. He is now on a mission to motivate and inspire fellow travellers and people alike with diabetes to not allow it to hold you back.  Since his 22nd birthday, Zach has surfed in Hawaii, Costa Rica and Mexico. Hostelled and skied in Montreal and scored an artist badge to Wakarusa Music Festival. He happily says the nagging feeling that diabetes can have over you, holding you back, is now gone! He now feels motivated and inspired!

His website is split into five main sections;

-  Blog
-  Type 1 Diabetes
-  Photos
-  Gear
-  Resources

His blog also reflects three categories; Travel, Type 1 Diabetes, and Surfing. His photos cover his surfing adventures and life in Costa Rica.

Lets Get To Know Zach

We asked Zach a few questions about his life as a traveller.

What is your favourite destination and why?

San Juan del Sur Nicaragua. Nicaragua is beautifully unspoiled. San Juan del Sur attracts backpackers from all corners of the globe making for a good time at any of the beachside clubs. There are plenty of world class waves only minutes away by car or boat. And the locals are the most open hearted and grateful people you may ever meet.

If you could only give one single travel tip that you think would be the most helpful what would it be?

If you don’t book it you will never go. Let the details figure themselves out. Ambiguity breeds adventure.

What is your favourite travel related quote?

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the world all one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain

Who are your 3 favourite travel bloggers and why?

Jeremy at 70-130.com brings a lot of knowledge and experience about travelling with type 1 diabetes to his site. His sense of humour helps other diabetics make light of their condition.

Elisabeth at elisabeth4t.blogspot.com is an amazing soul. She moved to Tanzania only 6 weeks after being diagnosed with type 1. Her courage is inspiring and her site gives a lot of information on how to get prescriptions and supplies in under developed countries.

Gretchen at Type 1 Type Happy is so inspiring! She continued on a European adventure after being hospitalized and diagnosed with type 1. Like me she was diagnosed in her early 20s and we both love surfing and yoga!

What was the single most influential thing/moment that drove you to travel blogging?

When preparing for a trip I did a lot of research on travelling with type 1 diabetes. I noticed how little info and stories about travelling with type 1 there was on the web. So I created a simple wordpress blog and twitter account to talk about issues faced when travelling and surfing with type 1. Within days I received so much support that I decided to build a better site and commit time to writing every day.

What advice you would give someone wanting to become a travel blogger?

Just write. Keep a notepad or write in your phone. As thoughts come, it’s important to jot them down immediately. Even if you only publish some of what you write, as you write more you will get better and begin to own your voice.


Zach blogs with the main goal of inspiring others with Type 1 Diabetes. He talks about overcoming the burden of managing the disease whilst abroad and challenges he faces whilst trying to enjoy his travel, inspiring even those without Type 1 Diabetes. His dedication and passion comes through his writing which why he has a growing following across his social media channels.  We definitely look forward to reading more of Zach's adventures as he looks to show others that any challenge can be overcome.

Learn more about Zach at on his Travelbetic about page.

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