Getting To Know Solo Traveller Zascha of According to Zascha

The Wise Traveller continues to search out and provide travellers with top trending, influential information allowing you to ‘stay connected’ before and while you travel.  This week we meet Zascha, who is behind ‘According to Zascha’ our next travel blogger profile in our on going series allowing you to get to know the person behind some of the most up and coming, popular and influential travel blogs around.

So Who Is Zascha?

Zascha is a 24 year old Dane with a degree in Forensic and Criminal Psychology, having lived for some time now in the UK and blogging about her travels as an expat.  She recently announced that she has purchased a one way ticket leaving June 22nd and is going to become 'location independent'.

Zascha also claims to have a fear of flying, a crush on Bruce Willis and a thing for checked shirts. Her blog highlights her travels to the likes of Scotland, Germany, England, and North America.  She also blogs about her feelings and perspectives about her travels with recent examples including 'No My Daddy Isn't Funding My Travels' and 'A Tribute To The People I've Met On A Plane'

Generally focusing on solo travel on a budget her website is split into common sections including:

Travel Tips 
Travel Resources
Other Blogs

Lets Get To Know A Little More Zascha

As usual we asked Zascha some questions about his life as a traveller.

What is your favourite destination and why?

The Scottish Highlands without a doubt! It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to. There are mountains and incredible scenery everywhere you look. It’s so peaceful.

Travel Blogger: According To Zascha

If you could only give one single travel tip that you think would be the most helpful what would it be?

Just do it. Don’t worry too much about money. Don’t worry too much about the future. Just go out there and see what happens.

What is your favourite travel related quote?

If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.

Lewis Carroll (author of Alice's Adventures In Wonderland)

Who are your 3 favourite travel bloggers and why?

Breakaway Backpacker – Jaime is awesome and hilarious and he tells it like it is.

Just One Way Ticket – She takes stunning photos and gives great advice. It was actually after seeking advice from Sab that my blog started to get noticed.

Live Learn Venture – Natasha is a great blogger friend and she’s so inspiring. I love what she has achieved in so little time.”

What was the single most influential thing/moment that drove you to travel blogging?

Travel Blogger: According To ZaschaWhen I got the idea of traveling the world I started googling everything I could about travelling. I then noticed all of these cool travel bloggers out there. I didn’t even know that travel blogging was a thing. But I was like: Hey, I can do this, too. So I did and I’m so happy that I made the jump. It’s not easy – but it’s worth it.

What advice you would give someone wanting to become a travel blogger?

Put your heart and soul in it – and be patient. Success doesn’t happen overnight. Get inspired by other bloggers but make your blog your own. You’ll find your ‘voice’ with time.


As mentioned Zascha is all about solo travel on a budget. Appealing to the single, female traveller her style is personal journal like, discussing her feelings, impressions and insights.  Her blog is not yet extensive but she has managed to garner an impressive following showing her appeal and natural style makes for great reading. Zascha comes across as likeable and easily can be easily related to.  As a travel blogger she is a raising star and we predict will quickly become a guiding star as she embarks on her travels.

Learn more about Zascha at her About page on According To Zascha

Wise Traveller Rating

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Travel Blogger: According To Zascha - Rising Star - The Wise Traveller
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Travel Blogger: According To Zascha
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Travel Blogger: According To Zascha

How To Find According To Zascha

According To Zascha Web Site

According To Zascha on Twitter