Given how busy our lives are, it is still a great opportunity to get away from it all and sneak off for a lovely destress somewhere. So, here are our tips on how to get the best out of a short break:

Book one location

When time is of the essence, you really want to maximize your stay as efficiently as possible. On a short break, rather than take a scattergun approach and try to fulfil a packed itinerary to different places, plan in advance and focus on one location. The last thing you’ll need is another vacation to recover from the one you’re trying to go on.

Choose carefully

The last thing you need is to travel too far and for long hours only to give yourself a very short drop-in on a location with little to explore and soak up the surroundings. Many solos and couples are opting to strike within about two to three hours flying time of where they live so that at least have enough downtime in a chosen location.

Devise an itinerary

A short getaway means that you’ll have to do some pre-planning as to what you want to see in a location. So prioritize your activities, but keep enough time spare to recharge.

Don’t attempt the impossible

In short, be realistic about what you will achieve on your short break, whether you are travelling alone, with your partner or with a group. Rather than trying to pack everything in focus on key bucket-list must-dos or landmarks to see, and be content with your ambitions.

Buffer time

Far too often, we are still travelling late on the day before we are heading back into work. So one of the key things is to aim to be back at your home in good time, such as early evening. This will give you time to drop your bags, quickly catch up, and then head for bed to get a decent night's sleep before the new week starts.

Stay close to the action

If you want to stay central, then it may cost you extra. But the joy of that is you can maximize your time and even walk more to get around a location. Booking further out will save the budget but amp up travelling costs. The last thing you need is to be in a traffic jam at the weekend. This is where an itinerary of what you want to see and explore will kick in on where you need to stay. The closer to the attractions you want to visit, the better it’ll be.

Go light

As a business traveller, a key priority for me is to pack light. That is also the aim for a weekend away as it ensures I don’t have to wait for suitcases to be unloaded at the airport. Carry your bags to avoid delays.

Keep important documents close

In line with travelling light, keep all your documents, such as passports and your cash, to hand so that you have them at a moment’s notice and you’re not stressing over where you put them.

Be ready for the unexpected

Bad weather, delays, public transport foul-ups, and anything else can throw the best-laid plans out the window. So, stay flexible and adaptable to changes. Essentially, go with the flow.

Avoid weekends and public holidays

This probably sounds slightly contradictory, but weekend stays and vacations tied into public holidays can be a drain on the budget, and you’ll be battling the local and tourist crowds all the time. If you can, book mid-week, take an extended day or two off work, and enjoy the stay as you want.


A short destination stay can be a good chance to recharge the batteries and kick back and relax in a location of your choice. However, some planning can take that stay to the next level. Enjoy!

Andy Probert - The Wise TravellerAndy Probert is an experienced freelance business travel journalist and PR specialist.