Take your travel insurance with you wherever you go. 

Whether you’re off to Sweden or South Africa, travel insurance has become a necessity for all international travellers. Although many travel insurance companies require you to purchase a policy for a specific country, Wise Traveller allows you to take your travel insurance with you wherever you go, regardless of the number of trips you take. Our memberships includes an annual multi-trip insurance plan offering excellent value for people who frequently travel to various destinations all over the world.

Wise Traveller Portability - Always With You

Change countries without losing your benefits. 

Because travel insurance is one of the benefits offered as part of membership in the Wise Traveller community, portability is a key feature of our travel insurance. You never have to worry that you might change countries and lose your benefits. Your travel insurance travels with you. As a Wise Traveller member, our portability allows you to relocate at any time and maintain all your current benefits, including your global travel cover. With other insurance options, you might lose your travel cover if you move to another country. Wise Traveller allows you to maintain your global travel cover as long as you maintain your membership.

Annual membership offers unlimited trips and global cover. 

The Wise Traveller incorporated travel cover also allows an unlimited number of trips and offers worldwide cover, including in the United States. Rather than needing to take out travel insurance for each individual trip, you have global cover for where ever and when ever you travel. Portability extends travel cover anywhere you go, with a few exclusions. There are only a few countries that are excluded from WT Travel Cover: Afghanistan, Cuba, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Sudan, and Syria. There may also be some countries that at times may be excluded due to travel advisories by governments recommending against travel to those countries. Contact Wise Traveller if you are considering going to a high-risk country for more information on the specifics of your itinerary.

Wise Traveller Portability - Always With You

Wise Traveller also provides travel planning benefits and discounts. 

Wise Traveller is much more than just a travel insurance policy as membership also includes the benefits of travel planning and access to discounts at over 150,000 hotels worldwide, as well as access to car rental and airline discounts. You’ll also find travel tips, tricks and advice with your Wise Traveller membership.

Good travel insurance covers medical expenses and trip cancellations or delays. 

Good travel insurance will cover medical expenses in the event of injury or illness, repatriation costs to get you back home in case of medical emergency, trip cancellation coverage, missed departure or travel delay, lost or delayed baggage, and personal liability cover.

Wise Traveller Portability - Always With You

Wise Traveller provides the travel cover you need. 

Wise Traveller incorporated travel insurance covers lost or damaged luggage, missed flights and delays, trip cancellation, and medical treatment and evacuation in the event of an accident. It also offers coverage for extreme activities such as hiking, bungee jumping, and scuba diving, though skydiving and skiing are excluded. While we hope you won’t need it, Wise Traveller membership provides the cover you need if the unexpected happens.