Wondering whether or not you should travel right now? Although many countries have restrictions on travel, it is still possible to take trips between certain destinations or if you are willing to quarantine on arrival. Here are some of the pros and cons for and against travelling during the pandemic. Take some time to consider these prior to booking your trip.


As vaccination programmes progress around the globe, Covid cases are beginning to drop and it is already much safer to travel than it was a couple of months ago. If you live in a country where the situation is under control and are planning on visiting a destination that also has little cases, why not travel?


Cases may be low in your country, but once you board a plane or train and travel around, you could unintentionally pick up and spread the virus. The country you are visiting may not currently have a high number of cases, but an influx of foreign tourists could import new cases and start an outbreak.


We can’t stay at home forever, and some of us need to start travelling again to kickstart the tourism industry. If you love to travel, you should be helping to keep the industry afloat.


Many countries have closed their borders or have introduced mandatory quarantines for anyone entering. You may be tempted to travel, but you’re likely to encounter problems at some stage of your journey. It’s best to wait until borders have reopened or new travel bridges are in place.

The Pros & Cons of Travelling Right Now - The Wise Traveller - Empty Flight


There are currently significantly less people travelling so you are likely to be on quieter planes and not encounter any crowds. Surely it’s safer to travel now, on an empty plane, than it is to wait until everyone is travelling again?


There may be less people travelling than usual, but there is still the risk that someone could be carrying the virus with no symptoms or you could be asymptomatic yourself. If you stay at home, you are much less likely to catch or spread the virus.


If you have already been vaccinated, your chances of becoming ill are significantly lowered. You should seize this opportunity to travel while you can.


We don’t yet know enough about how the vaccinations work. It is possible that you could still carry the virus or could become ill with a mutant strain. It’s best to be safe and stay at home for now, until we know more.