The idea of travelling on your own can be daunting, especially if you’re a woman. Whether you’re embarking on an epic around-the-world adventure or taking a casual week-long holiday, you’re bound to have concerns. Is it safe to travel on your own? Will you be bored, or lonely?

We think all women should take at least one solo trip, and here’s why.

You will gain true independence

You may consider yourself to be an independent woman but travelling on your own will give you a whole new look on independence. You will make every decision for yourself, from where to stay to how to spend your days. If you miss a connecting flight or forget to confirm a reservation, it’s up to you to solve the problem. See this as a positive, helping you to become more independent and improving your problem-solving skills.

Why Every Woman Should Try a Solo Trip - The Wise Traveller - Me time

You can travel on your own terms

When travelling on your own, there’s no need to compromise with a travel companion. You are free to make all the decisions and can spend your days doing exactly what you want. It’s up to you whether you wish to spend your days relaxing or exploring, and you can eat in whatever restaurant catches your eye. Without all that time spent arguing about how to spend your time or where to eat, imagine how much you could pack into each day!

You can focus on the places that you visit

When you’re travelling with other people, it’s easy to become distracted. If you want to fully immerse yourself in the places you are visiting, travelling solo removes these distractions. You can be more focused on your destination, taking the time to really appreciate the sights, sounds, smells and tastes that you discover without being swayed by someone else’s opinion.

You will meet new people

Travelling solo doesn’t mean that you always have to be alone. Use the opportunity to connect with strangers, reaching out to fellow travellers or local people. Strike up a conversation with someone else dining alone, or the person you are sat beside on a bus or plane. Always keep your wits about you when talking to strangers, but be open to the possibility that you could meet interesting and like-minded people.

You have the freedom to go wherever you want

Think about all of those places on your travel wishlist that you desperately want to visit but your partner, family and friends aren’t so keen on. This is your opportunity to take off on your own and visit the destinations that are calling out to you, without having to compromise to please somebody else. This also refers to activities you may have alwayWhy Every Woman Should Try a Solo Trip - The Wise Traveller - Backpackers wanted to try, such as sailing, trekking, or learning to cook different cuisines.

You’ll turn into a ‘yes’ person

If you tend to veer on the side of caution, taking a solo trip could give you the nudge that you need to become more of a ‘yes’ person. You’re more likely to make a spontaneous decision or try something that’s usually outside your comfort zone when you’ve already bitten the bullet and set off on your own.

You will have time to yourself

Whether you want to reflect on a recent event, step away from a difficult situation, or just enjoy some time on your own, solo travel is the perfect opportunity to embrace ‘me’ time. Your motivation for wanting to spend time by yourself could be for a multitude of reasons, but whether you’re looking to come to terms with grief or you’re seeking inspiration for a personal project, you’re more likely to find it if you head someplace new.

Emma Lavelle is a UK based writer and photographer and has her own blog Field and Nest.