Just because we’re in the middle of a pandemic and most of the world is in some sort of lockdown doesn’t mean we can’t plan ahead with our travels. In fact, we think that’s exactly what you should be doing right now. Use this time when you are stuck at home to open up your laptop, start dreaming about your future travels and get planning. Here are a few reasons why we think now is the perfect time to plan ahead.

Support the tourism industry

Tourism has been one of the worst affected industries during the pandemic, and everything from hotels to airlines near your help to stay afloat. If you love travelling and can’t wait to start jetting around the world again, put your money where your mouth is and support the businesses you love by booking future trips or purchasing vouchers that you can redeem when it is safe to do so.

Why you should continue to plan your future travels - The Wise Traveller - Planning Money

Have something to look forward to

Now, more than ever, it’s important to have something to look forward to. You may not have travelled at all this year so what better way to cheer yourself up than to book a trip for next year that you can anticipate. Make sure that you have a good cancellation policy just in case, but if you have an adventure on the horizon you can spend the next few months getting excited and planning for it.

Save money for your trips

If you’re constantly traveling you rarely have an opportunity to save up for a special trip. Use this time at home to put money aside to build up a fund for your ultimate bucket list adventure. Choose something spectacular, a real once-in-a-lifetime experience, and start saving up for it now.

Plan in detail

Likewise, if you are used to jetting off on multiple trips a year, you probably don’t leave yourself much time to plan each adventure in detail. This is the perfect chance to dig deep and plan out your holidays for the next couple of years. Buy a travel journal and get stuck into Google Maps, taking the time to plan a road trip route or a round-the-world itinerary that you can look forward to post-Covid.

To ease the disappointment of cancelled plans

There’s nothing worse than the disappointment of a much-anticipated trip being cancelled – something lots of us have experienced this year. If you’re feeling blue following a holiday that had to be cancelled, try rescheduling the dates or booking a new trip that can hopefully go ahead. Again, just make sure your insurance covers you if you have to change your plans.

Why you should continue to plan your future travels - The Wise Traveller - Sunset BeachThere are currently lots of sales and good cancellation plans

Now is actually a really good time to plan ahead and book your travels for next year, thanks to plenty of sales and good cancellation plans all across the industry. Airlines and hotels understand that many trips will have to be postponed, so many are being lenient when you book your tickets. There are also lots of good offers currently available, as the industry is tempting back travellers.

Boost your mental health, feel positive about the future

Lots of us are feeling down this year, stuck at home and unable to travel. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with wanderlust, planning ahead for next year can give your mental health a welcome boost. Give yourself something to look forward to and start planning your travels for 2021.

Emma Lavelle is a UK based writer and photographer and has her own blog Field and Nest.